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2007 (3 May) Gusty Spence manuscript speech delivered on the
announcement of the official end of the UVF and RHC armed
A unique and important manuscript speech in the hand of ‘Gusty’
Spence. 2pp written on the back of a letter sent to Spence on 24
April 2007 from the Ministry of Defence Veterans Agency relating to
his pension. The content are Spence’s own words prior to his
announcement on behalf of the UVF and Red Hand Commando of
the end of their armed campaign in Northern Ireland. It states that “I
am here today to deliver a statement from the hierarchy of the UVF
and RHC, why they chose me is a matter for them... I had no input
into the statement I am about to read but I concur wholeheartedly
with its contents... these steps outlined today, I truly believe will
bring us closer to the peaceful democratic and prosperous society
which every section of our community desires and our awful and
terrible past will become a victims nightmare left long behind...” A
historically important document from one of the most important
moments in Ireland’s history. 12 x 8.25in. (30.48 x 20.96cm)
500 (£250-£417 approx)
2009 (23 March) Tom Hartley, Sinn Féin Lord Mayor of Belfast,
letter to Gusty Spence
Single page letter sent to Gusty Spence and signed by Councillor
Tom Hartley whilst Lord Mayor of Belfast. Thanking him for a badge
which he had sent and his thoughtfulness. 12 x 8.25in. (30.48 x
150 (£83-£125 approx)
Collection of Irish interest books from the library of ‘Gusty’ Spence
Three boxes of Irish interest books from the library of Spence. With
many examples relating to Northern Ireland, politics, Republican and
Unionist history etc., which give an insight into the Loyalist leader’s
interests and thinking. (100+)
250 (£125-£208 approx)
Collection of international political and military history books
from the library of ‘Gusty’ Spence
Three boxes of mainly relating to international history and military
history in particular. (100+)
250 (£125-£208 approx)
20th Century: Irish military interest collection including
regimental plaques, hackles, silks etc.
A large number of Irish military interest items from the collection of
‘Gusty’ Spence. Including regimental wooden plaques, framed
military cigarette cards sets, framed copy postcards of photographs
of Irish regiments, U.V.F. etc. British Regiments framed cigarette
cards, framed Irish regimental silks, Irish regimental hackles and
other British regimental badges
300 (£167-£250 approx)
Ex 423