Louis le Brocquy
- 2007
Tony O’Malley
- 2010
Harry Kernoff
- 2005
Sir William Orpen
- 2009
Gerard Dillon
- 2010
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– a step by step guide
Receive a COMPLIMENTARY valuation
Call to our galleries, 9.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday, or telephone 01 676 2888 for an appoint-
ment to meet a specialist or write to us with details and photos by email or post. We can also call
to inspect large collections at homes or offices. Whyte’s experts regularly visit most parts of
Ireland and Great Britain and often travel elsewhere in the world to value art and collectibles.
Once you have decided to sell...
We will work together with you to decide on an auction estimate and a reserve.
An estimate is what the item is expected to fetch and a reserve is the price below which the item
may not be sold without your permission.
Agree fees/expenses
Commission varies according to the value of the art or collectibles consigned – usually 10% to
15% of the price achieved. Reduced rates apply to extremely valuable consignments. A small
charge is made for professional photography and insurance against all risks.
Arrange collection and delivery to Whyte’s
Whyte’s can arrange to have art and collectibles shipped securely and fully insured from any part
of the world.
Upon consignment you will be given a receipt which details each item consigned with agreed
estimate and reserve. This receipt is a contract between Whyte’s and the vendor and clearly
states the conditions and charges relating to the consignment.
Receive the catalogue
A copy of the printed catalogue will be posted to you along with a report listing your entries in
the sale.
Watch the auction
You are welcome to attend the auction. Alternatively you can watch the sale live on the Internet.
After the auction
You will receive a report of the results and details of commission and expenses deducted.
Settlement takes place 30 days after the date of sale. Payment may be made in any currency to
any country. Unsold lots are often purchased immediately after the auction or may be re-offered
at a later date.
The sale of art and collectibles may be subject to Capital Gains Tax for residents in the Republic
of Ireland. However, there are significant allowances and often these sales incur little or no
taxation. Whyte’s will be pleased to advise on this and to provide valuations for tax purposes.
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