WHYTES S I N C E 1 7 8 3 , Art is one way in which we make sense of life, but it is much more than just that. Making art is one of the defining traits of being human. It is a way that communities and societies collectively record, remember and interpret. Here in the RDS, we have supported Irish art, and particularly visual artists, for generations; more recently through the RDS Visual Art Awards, which incorporates the RDS Taylor Art Award. We believe that art is of significant importance to Ireland and Irish society. On behalf of the RDS I would like to thank Tony and Linda Pilaro for their generosity in donating the sales from this auction to the RDS Visual Art Awards. The funds raised will go directly to promising, emerging visual artists looking to transition from student to professional; a time that can be financially very difficult. The Awards are a vital way in which we realise the RDS mission to see Ireland thrive culturally and economically. Bernie Brennan RDS President 3 THE CAP ART DUBLIN COLLECTION · 28 MAY 2018