Front Cover
I |
Auction Details
1 |
Terms & Conditions of Sale Notice
2 |
Contents / Enquiries & Contacts
3 |
Important Notes
4 |
Special Notices
5 |
184 |
2nd Millennium BC to 17th Century AD, lots 1-11
6 |
The Mount Cashell Archive, lots 12-30
10 |
18th to 20th Century, lots 31-133
20 |
1916 Rising, lots 134-172
48 |
War of Independence, lots 173-207
60 |
1920s to 1970s, lots 208-245
72 |
Northern Ireland Conflict, lots 246-261
83 |
Maps, lots 262-274
88 |
Polar Exploration, lots 274-286
91 |
Picture Postcards, lots 287-315
95 |
Books, lots 316-348
102 |
Edged Weapons, lots 349-361
112 |
Firearms, lots 362-386
115 |
Coins & Tokens, lots 387-439
121 |
Banknotes, lots 440-520
134 |
Silver & Vertu, lots 521-537
155 |
Watches & Jewellery, lots 538-550
159 |
Sporting Collectibles, lots 551-581
162 |
Entertainment Memorabilia, lots 582-595
170 |
Advertising Signs & Posters, lots 596-610
174 |
Antiques & Curios, lots 611-626
178 |
Wine & Spirits, lots 627-632
182 |
184 |