WHYTE'S Movie Posters 31 May 2014 Results

Front Cover 1
Viewing / Auction Details 3
Contents 5
Enquiries & Contacts 5
Terms And Conditions Of Sale Notice 4
Special Conditions 4
Important Notes 6
Special Notices 6
Introduction 7
Drama and Romance Lot 1 - 60 8
Comedy (see also British) Lots 61 - 86 20
Animation Lots 87 - 90 26
Musicals Lots 91 -99 27
Rock & Pop Lots 100 -116 29
Westerns Lots 117 - 136 32
War Lots 137 - 149 35
Action, Adventure, Crime & Thriller Lots 150 - 204 38
Hitchcock Lots 205 -213 48
James Bond Lots 214 - 222 50
Horror Lots 223 - 254 52
Science Fiction Lots 255 - 282 58
British Lots 283 - 301 63
British Comedy Lots 302 - 312 66
Irish Lots 313 - 317B 69
Collections and Mixed Lots Lots 318 - 364 71