Railway platform signalling lamp
A brass and tin railway porter’s paraffin lamp, with green
and red filters.
13in. (33.02cm)
Estimate €100-€150 £70-£110
Large Image & Place Bid 461462
Great Southern andWestern Railway, notice
warning against trespass
A cast iron sign, citing the 1903 Railway Act and signed
Francis B Ormsby.
19 x 17in. (48.26 x 43.18cm)
Estimate €400-€600 £290-£440
Large Image & Place Bid 462463
Great Southern andWestern Railway, station-
master’s inkwell.
A salt-glazed earthenware cylindrical ink well, the cen-
tral reservoir surrounded by pierced pen-holders. The
side impressed G. S. &W. R.””
2_ x 4_in. (5.72 x 12.07cm)
Estimate €150-€200 £110-£150
Large Image & Place Bid 463464
Coras Iompair Eireann enamel sign
An enamel sign with the CIE (Córas Iompair Éireann)
logo, affectionately dubbed ‘the flying snail’. It was used
from the 1948 to 1964 until it was replaced by the CIE
roundel logo. This sign was formerly in the Glenageary
Station booking office before being decommissioned.
10 x 22in. (25.40 x 55.88cm)
Estimate €250-€350 £180-£260
Large Image & Place Bid 464