Currency Commission Consolidated Banknote
‘Ploughman’ Bank of Ireland One Pound, 8-2-37.
66BA 084275, signed Gargan, fine. Also Central Bank
‘Lady Lavery’ One Pound 30-9-76; B” Series One Pound
20-10-81; and a 1999 One Pound coin, very fine, attrac-
tively framed.”
18 x 10in. (45.72 x 25.40cm)
Estimate €180-€200 £130-£150
Large Image & Place Bid 485486
Currency Commission Consolidated Banknote
‘Ploughman’ Bank of Ireland One Pound, 8-2-37.
72BA 048206, signed Gargan. Very good.
Estimate €120-€150 £90-£110
Large Image & Place Bid 486487
Currency Commission Consolidated Banknote
‘Ploughman’ Bank of Ireland One Pound, 4-10-
88BA 073736, signed Gargan. About fine.
Estimate €150-€180 £110-£130
Large Image & Place Bid 487488
Currency Commission Consolidated Banknote
‘Ploughman’ Bank of Ireland One Pound, 4-10-
85BA 027015, signed Gargan. Some heavy creases, soil-
ing, very good.
Estimate €120-€150 £90-£110
Large Image & Place Bid 488