1801 - 1809 Notifications of Keeping Arms.
16 applications to keep guns, pistols, muskets and blunderbusses by various residents in Carlow, (the scene
of great slaughter during the 1798 Rebellion) “As directed by the Act of King George the 3rd. Entitled an Act
more effectually to suppress Insurrections, and prevent the Disturbances of the Publick Peace”. Name and
address of each applicant, sworn and signed by them before a magistrate who also signs. With name and
address of printer beneath.
Estimate €120-€180 £93.6-£140.4
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 3839
Carloviana, ten issues of the journal of the Old Carlow Society.
1960-1969. Scarce, sought after journals containing scholarly articles on the history and pre-history of Coun-
ty Carlow. Very well illustrated with many good quality photographs.
Estimate €100-€150 £78-£117
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 39