Whyte's History, Literature & Collectibles 9 March 2014 - page 83

SINCE 1783
[Joyce, James]. Transition 22 and Transition 23 edited by Eugene
Jolas, 1933 and 1935, including parts of Finnegan’s Wake.
The Serviere Press, The Hague, 1933 and 1935. Printed wrappers, covers
stained and creased, interiors very good. Includes the first publication of
Finnegan’s Wake. Scarce. There are two copies of No. 22. (3)
500 (£250-£420 approx)
[Joyce, James] Broadsheet, a complete run 1-95, 1980 to 2013
First conceived at the Joyce Symposium in Zurich in 1979 the
Broadsheet’s function, as stated in the editorial of the first issue, was to
provide “a means of contact between Joycean readers and scholars that
would allow enthusiasms and contacts made transiently at symposia and
conferences to be sustained, and the variety of news items, usually
limited to private correspondence, to be more widely available.” (95)
16½ x 11½in. (41 x 28cm)
200 (£130-£170 approx)
Joyce, James (Rose, Danis and O’Hanlon, John Eds.). Finnegan’s Wake.
Mousehole: Houyhnhnm Press, 2010. Limited Lettered Edition. Fine. This
newly restored and emended edition of James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake
has been set in the Val Version of the Dante Face and printed by
Stamperia Valdonega in Verona. The Special edition consisting of 26
lettered, 150 numbered and 24 Hors Commerce copies is printed on
Magnani Mould Made paper and bound in Calfskin. This is lettered M &
is one of the 26 lettered copies issued. Signed by both editors and the
printer on the colophon page. Accompanied by a 38 page booklet edited
by Danis Rose and John O’Hanlon, with a Note by Seamus Deane,
Foreword by Hans Walter Gabler. Introduction by David Greetham,
Preface and Afterword by the editors. Fine in black slipcase.
700 (£420-£580 approx)
Joyce, James. A large collection of late 20th century editions of
Joyce’s works and books on Joyce and his writings.
Some attractive editions including Dubliners illustrated by Louis le
Brocquy. Writers include Anthony Burgess, Richard Ellman, Paul Leon,
Stan Gebler Davies, Arthur Power, Louis Gillet, Ulick O’Connor, Bernard
Benstock, Umberto Eco, JB Lyons, Peter Costello, John Wyse Jackson, etc.
Also an interesting range of modern Joycean papers, ephemera including
postcards, calendar, magazines etc. (130 items)
500 (£250-£420 approx)
Kavanagh, Patrick. Collected Poems special signed limited edition
MacGibbon & Kee London, 1964. Original boards with slipcase. Limited
to a special edition of 110 signed by the author of which this is 51. Also
with two Patrick Kavanagh publications: Collected Poems, Devin-Adair
New York, 1964 and Tarry Flynn A Novel, MacGibbon & Kee London,
1965. (3 items)
2,500 (£1,250-£2,080 approx)
Collection of Patrick Kavanagh interest books with many signed by
Peter Kavanagh
By Night Unstarred, Peter Kavanagh (Ed.) Goldsmith Press, Kildare, 1977.
November Haggard, Peter Kavanagh Hand Press, New York, 1971, signed.
Lapped Furrows, Peter Kavanagh Hand Press, New York, 1969, signed.
Piling Up The Ricks, Peter Kavanagh Hand Press, New York, 1989, signed
and with a signed letter and loose poem. Beyond Affection, Peter
Kavanagh Hand Press, New York, 1977, signed and dedicated. A Life
Chronicle, Peter Kavanagh Hand Press, New York, 2000, signed. Sacred
Keeper, Goldsmith Press, Kildare, 1979, signed. The Complete Poems,
Peter Kavanagh Hand Press, New York, 1972, signed. Man and Poet,
National Poetry Foundation, Maine, 1986, signed by Éamonn
MacThomáis. Patrick Kavanagh A Biography, Gill & MacMillan 2001
signed by Antoinette Quinn. (10 items)
600 (£330-£500 approx)
Kavanagh, Patrick. Lough Derg A Poem and others
Martin, Brian and O’Keeffe, London, 1978. Original cloth with wrappers.
Also with Come Dance with Kitty Stobling and other poems, Longmans
London, 1960 and The Green Fool, Martin, Brian and O’Keeffe, London
1971. (3 items)
300 (£170-£250 approx)
Lambert, C. And S. The Voyage of the “Wanderer” from the Journals
and Letters. Edited By Gerald Young
Illustrated by R. T. Pritchett and others. London: MacMillan, 1883. First
Edition. Royal 8vo. Decorative Cloth. Signed and inscribed by author. Pp.
xx, 335. Illustrated with colour plates and wood engravings. Folding map
in rear. Inscribed: “To Admiral Beachey from his friend C.Lambert.” Good.
200 (£130-£170 approx)
Lapipe, Jean et Postollec, Jean Louis: Cahiers de Chansons.
France: Vive la Marine Française, 1939. A superb collection of 40 hand
coloured songs in the form of ‘Broadsides’ divided into two sections.
Each individual coloured ‘Broadside’ consists of a coloured front page
illustrating the diverse perspectives of the man and the woman. Inside
each has further hand coloured illustrations, with the words and music
of the songs which reflect the spirit of the respective moods. The set is
complete and is attractively cased in its original folder. No. 36 of only
100 copies. Fine and scarce.
700 (£420-£580 approx)
Mary Lavin: A Family Likeness signed limited edition
Constable, London,1985. Limited to an edition of 50 of which this is 43.
Signed. With slip case.
150 (£80-£130 approx)
Longley, Michael: Ten Poems
Belfast: Festival Publications, First Edition. 8vo. Pamphlet. Signed by
Author. Near Fine Superb copy of Longley’s first volume. Signed on
cover. Undated [1965]. With nine pointed purple sun design on cover
denoting first issue. Scarce.
200 (£130-£170 approx)
Mitchell, Flora. Vanishing Dublin
Dublin, Figgis, 1966. sought after item with 50 attractive coloured
plates. Original plates were destroyed by fire. Numerous copies of this
book have been broken for the prints. Very good.
400 (£250-£330 approx)
Flora H. Mitchell. Vanishing Dublin.
Dublin, Figgis, 1966. sought after item with 50 attractive coloured
plates. Original plates were destroyed by fire. Numerous copies of this
book have been broken for the prints. Very good. 11¼ x 8½in. (28 x
300 (£170-£250 approx)
Monginot, Francis: A Resolution of Doubts. Or a Summarie Decision
of Controversies Betwixt the Reformed Church and the Romaine...
..A Treatise Containing the Causes and Reasons Moving the Sayde Fr.
Monginot to Forsake the Romane Church Betaking Himselfe to the
Reformed. London: At Rochel Faithfully Rendred According to the
French Copie. 1618, 1618. First Edition. 4to. Marbled Boards. Very Good
Pp. 41. London Imprint. Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, for George Norton.
Recent professional rebind in cloth spine and marbled boards. Very rare
and scarce explanation by Fr. Monigot (who at the time was Physician
to the King of France) as to his reasons for forsaking the Roman
Catholic Church for the Reformed Church.
200 (£130-£170 approx)
I...,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82 84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,...125