SINCE 1783
Laurel & Hardy signed photograph
A 1950s photographic print of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy signed by
both in fountain pen, Stan Laurel with speech bubble saying, “Hello
Harry!”, 3.5” x 5.5”, pasted to an album page, on the reverse a scrap of
paper signed by Maureen O’Hara.
300 (£160-£240 approx)
Autographs: Movie stars and Singers
Autographs: Movie stars and Singers - Autographed photos Pavarotti,
Neil Diamond, Dean Martin, James Stewart, Matthew McConaghy &
Larry Hagman (J.R. in Dallas) & perma stamped spoof Texan $10,000
note with J.R. image (7)
180 (£100-£140 approx)
Hollywood signed photographs
A collection of fourteen signed photographs and ephemera, signed by
Laurence Olivier; Bob Hope (2); Michael Caine; Russell Crowe; Charlton
Heston (2); Larry Hagman and Linda Grey; Alex Haley (2); Lauren Bacall;
James Stewart; Ginger Rogers; Rod Taylor. (14)
150 (£80-£120 approx)
1997 Hollywood, John Huston Award programmes, signed.
Two programmes for The Fourth Annual John Huston Award for Artists’
Rights, one signed in blue felt tip pen by Gabriel Byrne, Dick Gephart,
Lydia Cornell, Martin Scorsese, Louise Fletcher, Penny Marshall, Edward
Norton and Milos Forman; the other signed, in blue felt tip pen, by
Annette Benning, Warren Beatty, Anjelica Huston, Martin Scorsese,
Arthur Hiller, Dick Gephardt, James Woods, Larry Flint, Kevin Spacey and
Rachel Weisz. (2)
150 (£80-£120 approx)
Sport, screen & stage autographs
A collection of 28 signed photographs of celebrities, including Tim
Henman, David Attenborough, John Malcovich, Bill Nighy etc.
180 (£100-£140 approx)
1965 letter from Langston Hughes with photograph and other items
Hughes, Langston, The Negro Mother, four page pamphlet, signed by
Langton Hughes, dated January, 1965 and dedicated to Susan Sayer;
together with a letter from Hughes to Susan Sayer, a telegram to the
President of the United States from Sayer, and a photograph by William
Carter of a Civil Rights protest. (4)
Other Notes: James Mercer Langston Hughes (1902 - 1967) was an
American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist.
150 (£80-£120 approx)
The autograph of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak.
A rare autograph manuscript signed letter from Boris Pasternak to
Michael O’Sullivan, Skibereen, Co. Cork, dated 2nd September, 1959:
“Dear Mr Sullivan - I had hard circumstances in the spring, the reason I
could not fulfil your request, and not of carelessness or disregard. - I
wish you pure joy and best results in your life and your activity. -
Sincerely yours, B. Pasternak.” in blue fountain pen on cream paper,
with envelope. 11 x 8in. (28 x 20cm)
1,500 (£800-£1,200 approx)
(£0-£0 approx)
1940s Opera, Concert & Theatre, Dublin.
A collection of programmes and tickets for performances, in various
theatres in Dublin, London & Oxford; of orchestral & chamber music,
opera & musical theatre. Some signed by the principle performers. (40
150 (£80-£120 approx)
1950s Abbey Theatre set designs
A collection of pencil & watercolour set and back-drop designs, one
framed; together with a stage plan for a 1955 production of “The
Plough and the Stars”: by Michael O’Herlihy, Abbey Theatre set designer.
300 (£200-£240 approx)
The autograph of Sir Oswald Mosley, 6th Baronet Ancoats
Signed “Mosley” in black ballpoint on cream notepaper, printed “From -
Sir Oswald Mosley”, addressed: “To Michael O’Sullivan”.
150 (£80-£120 approx)
The autographs of Edward Duke of Windsor and Wallis duchess of
Signed: “Edward - Duke of Windsor” and “Wallis - Duchess of Windsor”,
in blue ballpoint on crested notepaper, accompanied by the Duke and
Duchess of Windsors’ private secretary’s compliment slip. 3½ x 5in. (8 x
1,000 (£640-£800 approx)
A signed photograph of Generalisimo Francisco Franco
A 5.5” x 3.5” black and white portrait photograph of Franco, signed “F.
Franco” in blue fountain pen and dated 13 - 10 - 1959; together with
accompanying secretarial letter.
200 (£120-£160 approx)
The autograph of S.S. Colonel Otto Skorzeny.
A signed typewritten letter dated 16th November, 1969 from Otto
Skorzeny addressed to Mr. Michael O’Sullivan signed “Otto Skorzeny” in
blue ballpoint. 11¾ x 8¼in. (28 x 20cm)
150 (£80-£120 approx)
1950s A collection of fifteen autographs of senior British politicians,
civic leaders and scientists
Sir Anthony Eden- Prime Minister; Rt. Hon. Clement Attlee, Prime
Minister; Lord Hailsham; Rt. Hon Selwyn Lloyd, Foreign Secretary; Rt.
Hon Rab Butler, Lord Privy Seal; Lord Alexander of Hillsborough, Leader
Labour Party in House of Lords; Rt. Hon Reginald Maudling, Paymaster
General; Viscount Kilmuir, Lord Chancellor; The 8th Duke of Wellington;
Sir Harold Gillett ,Lord Mayor of London; Cameron Fromanteel Cobbold,
Governor Bank of England; Sir Edwin Plowden,Chairman , UK Atomic
Energy Authority; Sir John Cockroft, Physicist; Sir Alfred Charles
Bernard Lovell- Radio Astronomer; Sir William George Penny -
Mathematician ;together with seven letters refusing to provide
200 (£120-£160 approx)
The autograph of Gamal Abdel Nasser
Signed “Gamal Abdel Nasser” in black fountain pen on a compliment
slip bearing the seal of the President of Egypt; together with New Year
greeting cards for 1960 and 1961, each with a printed message from
Nasser and envelopes with postmarks: “Presidence de la Republique”. 3 x
3½in. (8 x 8cm)
200 (£120-£160 approx)
A collection of twelve autographs of international statesmen.
Konrad Adenaur -Chancellor of West Germany (Photograph); Theodor
Heuss, First President of Federal Republic of Germany. (Photograph);
Heinrich von Brentano-German Foreign Affairs Minister (Photograph);
Paul Henry Spaak - Prime Minister of Belgium, First President of the
United Nations General Assembly, and first Secretary General of NATO
(Photograph); Constantine Karamanlis, Prime Minister and President of
Greece (Photograph); Admiral Americo de Deus Rodregues Thomaz
President of Portugal; Makarios III, Archbishop of Cyprus and First