SINCE 1783
1875 Imray, James. Two sea charts of Irish Sea and a chart of the
coast of Holland and Germany.
Uncoloured, unframed. 42 x 76in. (106.68 x 193.04cm)
300 (£200-£240 approx)
An 18th century genealogical table of the Scottish and English Royal
Inset with a map of Ireland and a table of the principle battles fought in
Ireland, coloured. Mounted, unframed. 17 x 21½in. (43.18 x 54.61cm)
In overall very good condition. 2.5in split along bottom of vertical fold.
100 (£60-£80 approx)
1704. Grant of apprenticeship of George Turville to Thomas Bole in
the Liberties or Franchises of Dublin.
The condition is that Turville “shall provide himself with Arms sufficient
for a Foot-Soldier... for the Service of the Queen”. Pp1, foolscap, printed
and manuscript.
200 (£120-£160 approx)
1709-1820 Acts of Parliament, and other documents
Includes 1709 An Additional Duty on Beer, Ale, Strong-Waters etc.,
printed in Dublin, 1800 Act of Union, 1814 Commitments Trials,
Convictions &c Ireland, also some leases and indentures 1880s to 1930s,
and Kitchin’s Map of Ireland. (15)
200 (£120-£160 approx)
1710: The Tryal Of Dr Henry Sacheverell Before The House of Peers...
... for high crimes and misdemeanors; upon an impeachment by the
knights, citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled, ... begun in
Westminster-Hall the 27th day of February, 1709/10; and from thence
continu’d by several adjournments until the 23d day of March following.
Published by order of the House of Peers. Dublin: re-printed by A.
Rhames and F. Dickson, for E. Dobson, P. Campbell, J. Gill, T. Servant, J.
Pepyat, J. Hyde, and J. Henly, Booksellers, 1710. Various contemporary
notes on both free front end papers with the names of various owners
including “Ex Libris Saml. Carson. Bought this bought this book at the
Revd. Mr. Linsays Auction of Books in Ballymena for 1s. 1d.”
150 (£80-£120 approx)
1744 (January) Escape from custody, witness statement
Patrick Dempsey, Sheriff’s Bailiff gives evidence before magistrate,
Beaumonth Astle of executing “ a Warrant under the Seal of the High
Sherriff, Jacob Peppard Warren” against John Madders, arresting
Madders in Tullow, Co. Carlow and describes his subsequent escape from
custody. Among others named are Patrick Tyrrell, Pat McGrath, William
Hoar and Richard Grahams.
200 (£120-£160 approx)
1748 Wright, Thomas. Louthiana; An Introduction to the Antiquities
of Ireland.
Calf. 4to.
500 (£240-£400 approx)
1760 (10 July) Irish Legion letter from Lt. Richard Haly to Chevalier
de Warren a the Camp near Corbach
An interesting letter from this Stuart renegade and exile “We are giving
the enemy a sample of what we can do: the enemy lost about 2,000
men every way, mostly English and 40 ps. Brass Cannon, the Swiss who
were sent by St. Germains behaved to admiration ….the loss to our side
is not spoken of, tis so small, the enemy are retired to rising ground this
side of Waldeck…..the march our army stole on them is called a very fine
one by the Connoisseurs and as St. Germains is on their skirts we expect
to force them to a general action.”
500 (£240-£400 approx)
Circa 1770 Belfast Infantry cross belt plate
A brass oval convex cross belt plate engraved to the centre with a Maid
of Erin harp and ribbons above and below “Belfast” and “Infantry”, hook
and pair of fixing studs to reverse. 3 x 2¼in. (7.62 x 5.72cm)
1,500 (£960-£1,200 approx)
Circa 1770 Ibane and Barryroe Infantry cross belt plate
A brass rectangular convex cross belt plate, with canted corners,
engraved to the centre with a Maid of Erin harp and ribbons above and
below “I & Barryroe” - “Infantry”, hook and pair of fixing studs to
reverse. 2¾ x 2¼in. (6.99 x 5.72cm)
Ibane & Barryroe is a small barony in County Cork, named after a branch of the
Barry family called “Barry Rua”, or “Red Barry.” Richard Hungerford is listed as a
Captain of the Ibane and Barryroe Infantry in 1796, and Thomas Hunderford and
William Spiller as lieutenants in 1822.
2,000 (£1,200-£1,600 approx)
1797 Trinity College Corps cross belt plate
Oval, gilt on copper, the arms of Trinity College engraved at centre, a
shield emblazoned with a turreted gateway, lion, book and Maid of Erin
harp, Hanoverian crown above, the whole dividing the date ‘’17 - 97’’,
twin ribbons above and below bearing the motto ‘’Tam Marti Quam
Minervae’’ (As much Mars as Minerva), double hook and pair of fixing
studs to reverse.
2,000 (£1,200-£1,600 approx)
1790’s Lough Side Militia cross belt plate
A rectangular curved brass cross belt plate, engraved to the centre with
a Hanovarian crown and double ribbons below “Lough” - “Side”, double
hook and pair of fixing studs to reverse. 3 x 2½in. (7.62 x 6.35cm)
2,500 (£1,600-£2,000 approx)
1796 Lower Talbotstown Cavalry officer’s cross belt plate.
The oval silvered plate engraved with a crowned maid of Erin harp, a
banner above “L Talbotstown” and below, “Cavalry”. 3 x 2½in.
(7.62 x 6.35cm)
The Lower Talbotstown Cavalry was first raised on 31 October 1796 by Major
Richard Hornidge, Tulfarris, Co. Wicklow, with a strength of 48 troopers. Among
their engagements in the 1798 rebellion, the Lower Talbotstown Cavalry met a
force of rebels, led by General Holt, in the Second Battle of Hacketstown in 1798.
1,000 (£640-£800 approx)
1796 Limerick Volunteers button.
A silver button centred with a crowned harp surrounded by the motto:
“Pro Aris et Locus”.
150 (£80-£120 approx)
1786, Murder of Henry Lawler by James Dempsey, five documents
“Not having the Fear of God before his eyes, being wholly moved and
seduced by the instigation of the Devil”, four witness statements. Details
of the inquest signed by the Coroner and 13 jury members, with affixed
seals. Jury return convicting James Dempsey, signed by Henry Bruen.
300 (£160-£240 approx)
1786-1796. Acts of Grattan’s Parliament
A collection of nine acts of the Parliment of Ireland 1787-1796, printed
in Dublin by George Grierson, in modern bindings.
300 (£160-£240 approx)