George Bernard Shaw autograph signature.
A clipped fragment of a letter signed in black ink, G.
Bernard Shaw”, the’w’ in shaw with a long tail extending
to the edge of the page. Attractively framed with a full
length photograph of Shaw beneath a tree.”
13_ x 11in. (34.93 x 27.94cm)
Estimate €100-€150 £70-£110
Large Image & Place Bid 414415
Alfred Smythe, Alfred .Irish writer and poet.
Collection including original manuscripts, con-
tracts etc.
Includes manuscript for Prologue written specially for
The Saint Patrick’s Festival at the Rathgar Literary Socie-
ty”, pp7, typescript with author’s annotations of “Inau-
gural Ode written expressly for Koh-I=Noor”, copyright
receipts, contract offer, telegram from the Hibernian
Military School, Dublin,etc., mainly circa 1893. Also with
this lot a draft script , “ X-85-86” by Paul O’Kelly, author
Estimate €100-€150 £70-£110
Large Image & Place Bid 415416
Stewart, JohnWatson. Five Annual ‘Treble’ Al-
1815-1817, 1819 & 1820. Three with maps of Dublin
present and two lacking maps. Rare early volumes of
these sought after almanacks.
Estimate €200-€300 £150-£220
Large Image & Place Bid 416417
13th March 1890 Bram Stoker - creator of Dracu-
la - autograph letter
On Lyceum Theatre notepaper but addressed from Chel-
sea, to Madge(?) apologising for a delay in responding
to her correspondence. Signed Bram Stoker. Attractively
framed with a photograph of Stoker.”
15_ x 16_in. (39.37 x 41.91cm)
Estimate €200-€300 £150-£220
Large Image & Place Bid 417