1916. Pictorial booklets, and a collection of 1966 publications.
The Sinn Fein Revolt Illustrated, Hely’s Ltd, Dublin, oblong folio, pp38, profusely illustrated, and The Record
of The Irish Rebellion, Irish Life, Dublin, folio, pp72, both profusely illustrated, both published circa May
1916. Also Cuimhneachan, Department of Foreign Affairs, Dublin 1966, and 1966 commemorative issues of
RTV Guide, Irish Independent and Ireland Of The Welcomes. (6)
Estimate €200-€300 £156-£234
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 269270
1916-1922 The Catholic Bulletin.
Monthly publication, Dublin, incl. 6 issues of 1916 with much interesting comment and illustrations not pub-
lished elsewhere of bereaved families of Volunteers killed in the Rising etc. Useful lot. Covers tatty, interiors
generally very good. (15)
Estimate €60-€80 £46.8-£62.4
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 270