Whyte's History, Literature & Collectibles 9 March 2014 - page 31

SINCE 1783
20th Century: Masonic and Order of Buffaloes jewels collection
A large collection of Freemasonry and RAOB jewels with some fine
examples. Including RAOB 1936 Sir Wilfred Lodge hallmarked silver and
enamel medal, 1925 RAOB Fidelity Lodge hallmarked silver and enamel
medal, 1930 Royal Masonic Hospital Jewel etc. Also with 1979
Freemason’s Hall Dublin signed dinner menu, some certificates and other
items. (21 items).
400 (£170-£330 approx)
20th Century: A Masonic or fraternal organisation belt buckle
An interesting but unidentified belt buckle decorated with shamrocks and
the letters “R” and “F”. With no distinguishing marks but possibly related
to a fraternal organisation.
80 (£50-£70 approx)
1900: Atlas And Cyclopedia of Ireland by P.W. Joyce
A Comprehensive Delineation of the Thirty-two Counties, with a
Beautifully Colored Map of Each, arranged Alphabetically, showing over
11,000 Cities, Towns, Villages, and Places of Public Interest. Embracing
over Two Hundred Illustrations of the Natural Scenery, Public Buildings,
Abbeys, Round Towers and other Romantic Places, reproduced by Eminent
Artists from Photographs especially taken for this Work. Murphy &
McCarthy, New York, 1900. Original boards.
200 (£130-£170 approx)
1900-1930s Tray of Printer’s Blocks
A collection of circa 150 printer’s blocks and devices engraved in metal,
part of the stock in trade of a jobbing Dublin printer/publisher with a
mostly from the early decades of the 20th century. With the original
wooden tray stamped Wm. Miller, Dublin. Includes advertisements for
Vaseline, Irish Hospitals Sweepstakes, Dartry Cleaners, Stevens The Cycle
King, Irish Turf Hauliers Association, etc.; also pictorial symbols including
a teapot, sheep, cow, turkey, fish, crowing cock, a pig, a pint, an elegantly
dressed man, whiskey bottle, tractor etc.; also the ‘Déanta in Éirinn’
symbol (three versions, different sizes), and several devices for stamping
overdue accounts, all dating from the ‘hot-metal’ era of printing, which
ran from the days of Gutenberg to the 1960s.
250 (£130-£210 approx)
Circa 1900. Original white and green metal enamelled sign for the
‘Weekly Freeman’
Pierced for attachment. Possible mast head for a newspaper sellers display
board. The ‘Weekly Freeman’ was the weekend edition of the Freeman’s
Journal, the nationalist daily broadsheet published in Dublin from 1763 to
1924. It was famous for its coloured political cartoons and features in the
‘Aeolus’ episode of James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses.’ (115 x 530mm).
200 (£130-£170 approx)
20th Century: Large collection of Irish railway ephemera including
Great Northern Railway Board sign. “All season tickets must be shown”
sign “The booking office is closed...” sign. Unused signalman tablets book
Irish government publication “Great Northern Railway Act 1953” Ulster
Railways pamphlet by R. Leslie A. McIlmoye Ulster Transport best kept
station 3rd prize awarded to Greenisland, 1934 and 1939 Northern
Counties Committee calendars.1952 Ulster Transport Authority
Regulations for Train Signalling booklets. 1940s GNR reports of directors
and accounts reports, unused ticket books, postcards, advertisement
pamphlets, Union Steam Ship Co. RMS Mauka concert programme,
posters etc. (100 approx.)
600 (£330-£500 approx)
Railway ephemera collection including posters
Including 1939 Great Southern Railways poster, Isle of Man Railways
posters, Great Northern Railway 1949 Rule Book, Great Southern Railway
General Timetable 1943, 1819 Act of Parliament authorising construction
of Railway to Shillelagh, Co. Wicklow etc.
150 (£100-£130 approx)
20th Century: Londonderry and Loughswilly Railway buttons
A collection of three brass Londonderry & Loughswilly Railway buttons,
no maker’s name.
150 (£80-£130 approx)
20th Century: Collection of Irish railways horse brasses
4 horse brasses comprising of C.I.E., Great Northern Railway (2), and Great
Southern Railway. Mounted on a board as a display piece.
150 (£100-£130 approx)
20th Century: Collection of assorted Belfast related ephemera
An album containing a large collection of Belfast related documents and
ephemera. Comprising of many assorted letterheads and billheads from a
number of different local companies, invitations including the 1921 Vice-
Regal Visit, Royal Visit Garden Party at Stormont 1951, programmes
including the 1924 opening of the Belfast Broadcasting Station by the
BBC and various other items. (70+ approx)
250 (£130-£210 approx)
19th Century: Orange Order collection including certificate, sash and
1892 Ulster Unionist Convention badge
Loyal Orange Association Certificate dated 8 June 1822 for Ballymena
certifying that “Robert Brownlee has regularly received the degree of a
true Orange Man” An early Orange Order sash badge by Tuthill’s of
London. Orange Order sash with affixed regalia. ‘Union is Strength’ Ulster
Unionist Convention 1892 badge. An early William III badge in the form
of a star and William of Orange decorative silk. (6 items).
300 (£170-£250 approx)
circa 1910-1914: Collection of anti-Home Rule ephemera including
scarce crêpe paper souvenir
Napkin souvenir programme for “Londonds (sic) Protest Against British
Troops Being Asked To Shoot Ulster Loyalist” in Hyde Park on 4 April 1914,
a scarce item printed on crêpe paper. Also with full sized 1912 poster
advertising the book ‘The Military Danger of Home Rule’ by Major-
General Thomas Fraser K.C.B. and ‘Home Rule or National Safety. Ten
Reasons Against Home Rule’ handbill by Major-General Fraser and printed
by McCorquodale & Co. Ltd. St. Thomas’ Street, London. (3 Items).
150 (£80-£130 approx)
1910-20. Collection of Irish Unionist booklets, pamphlets and
handbills, some from the Southern Ireland Association
Includes ‘The ABC of Home Rule’, 1911, pp23 booklet, ‘Home Rule Now’,
pp8 (195, 1912), (2), ‘What is Home Rule to Be?’, pp4 (4), handbills
including ‘A £100 Truth’ (221-1914) - “There isn’t a Roman Catholic in
Ireland who has £100 in his pocket who is not a Unionist at heart”, Home
Rule and German Invasion (139-1910) (2), Home Rule and Leinster
Farmers (8), etc. From the archive of a Dublin Unionist family. (24).
180 (£130-£150 approx)
circa: 1913 Ulster Volunteer Force South Londonderry armband
Armband as used by the Ulster Volunteer Force prior to the First World
War. Marked “U.V.F. 2 South Londonderry”. 4 x 15in. (10 x 38cm)
150 (£80-£130 approx)
I...,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,...125