Circa 1912 to 1950s small archive of Ronald
Mortished, Civil Servant, Irish Socialist and
International Labour Office official.
Interesting collection of manuscript and typescript
notes and correspondence, including a manu-
script lecture Mortished delivered to the Connolly
Labour College, letters and articles he wrote under
the pseudonym of “Patrick Thompson”, includ-
ing correspondence and cuttings relating to the
banning of the English newspaper, The Observer,
in 1950, a fascinating suggested list of books he
sent to Darrel Figgis for “the Soldiers’ Libraries”
(presumably for The National Army of The Free
State) which includes books by Winston Churchill
as well as Pearse. Also included is a black leather,
with gilt inscription, folder for The International
Labour Conference Geneve 1924. Mortished was
Secretary to The Constitutional Committee - see
also lots 379-391. ( 40+)
Provenance: Ronald Mortished;
By descent to the present owner.
Estimate €200-€300 £156-£234
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 158159
Circa 1910 to 1922. A collection of Irish Socialist
and Labour movements pamphlets and book-
lets. (40+)
Includes handbills - Socialist Party of Ireland The
Royal Visit (1911), 1911 Municipal Election Ad-
dress by John McManus, 1920 British Labour Par-
ty pamphlets and handbills against atrocities and
British administration in Ireland (13), booklets
including The Labour Revolt And Larkinism by W.
P. Ryan, Larkin’s Scathing Indictment Of Dublin
Sweaters, Erin’s Hope by James Connolly, Memoire
Sur L’Irlande (International Socialist Conference at
Berne 1919), etc.
Provenance: Library of Ronald Mortished;
Thence by descent to the present owner.
Estimate €300-€500 £234-£390
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 159160
1913 (June 7) Daily News & Leader billboard poster Another Seizure of Rifles in Ireland””
Poster on yellow paper.
29 x 19in. (73.66 x 48.26cm)
Estimate €200-€300 £156-£234
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 160