1916 A Half Proclamation.
The final two paragraphs and the signatures printed to the lower half of a sheet. Printed by letterpress on
poor quality paper of a greyish white shade. The printed area is 11.75 x 18ins. An exceedingly rare half sheet
of the 1916 Proclamation, mounted.
The proclamation was printed in two parts due to lack of type according to John O’Connor The Story of the
1916 Proclamation. The top half was printed first and then the type was reset to print the bottom half. The
British soldiers who entered Liberty Hall at the end of the Rising found the lower half frame of type still in
the Wharfedale printing press and ran off a small number of copies as souvenirs. O’Connor, q.v., says “[these
halfsheets] are very rare but one such copy is in Kilmainham Jail Museum”. According to Joseph Bouch, (The
Republican Proclamation of Easter Monday, 1916 Dublin, 1936) these half sheets were printed on two differ-
ent coloured papers. Less than fifteen examples of these half sheets are recorded, making it even rarer than
the full sheet document.
30 x 20in. (76.20 x 50.80cm)
Estimate €5000-€7000 £3900-£5460
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 185186
1916 (25 April) Irish War News No. 1 Vol. 1 first issue announcing the Rebellion
Letterpress, pp4. Much sought after item. Written mainly by P.H. Pearse. Includes “Stop Press! The Irish
Republic” on the back page announcing the Rising. The only printed document issued by the Rising leaders
other than the Proclamation.
10 x 7½in. (25.40 x 19.05cm)
Estimate €800-€1200 £624-£936
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 186