1930s Irish Army silver uniform buttons.
20 silver Irish Army uniform buttons. The domed
button with applied harp flanked by the letters “I”
and “V”. Hallmarked Dublin, 1936 (3) and 1937
0¾in. (1.91cm)
Estimate €100-€150 £78-£117
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 416417
A 1922-pattern Garda Siochana Inspector’s cuff
rank badge.
A silver bullion embroidered cloth badge.
2¾ x 2½in. (6.99 x 6.35cm)
Estimate €120-€180 £93.6-£140.4
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 417418
1920s Poilini Ath Cliath and Garda Siothchana
belt buckles
Two white metal two-piece buckles emblazoned:
Garda Siothchana - “Na hEireann” and “Poilini
Ath Cliath” respectively; together with a Garda
Siochana whistle, a Polini Ath Cliath white metal
button and three shamrock helmet clips. (7)
The D.M.P. (Dublin Metropolitan Police) was re-ti-
tled Poilini Ath Cliath with effect from 1st April,
1922. On April 3, 1925, the force ceased to exist,
being amalgamated with An Garda Siochana (then
spelt ‘Siothchana’).
Estimate €100-€150 £78-£117
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 418419
1920s Garda uniform belt and whistle
A black leather belt with white metal two-piece
buckle emblazoned: “Garda Siothchana - Na
hEireann”; together with a ‘Metropolitan’ police
whistle by Hudson & Co., Birmingham, stamped
“Garda Siochana”.
Estimate €80-€120 £62.4-£93.6
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 419