Police truncheon in leather scabbard
A lignum vitae truncheon, in cylindrical leather
uniform scabbard, named on the belt loop “Crinn-
ion - 32E”. The scabbard
16 x 2½ x 3½in. (40.64 x 6.35 x
Estimate €80-€120 £62.4-£93.6
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 420421
Garda truncheon in leather scabbard
A lignum vitae truncheon, stamped “WAD”, in
cylindrical leather uniform scabbard, numbered
on the belt loop “G.S 60 - 13965” and with Dublin
maker’s brand struck indistinctly on the reverse of
the belt loop. The scabbard
16 x 2½ x 3½in. (40.64 x 6.35 x
Estimate €70-€100 £54.6-£78
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 421422
Late 1920s Garda Siochana helmet.
Cloth helmet with white metal chain-link chin-
strap, the rose with ball terminal.
10 x 12 x 6½in. (25.40 x 30.48 x
Estimate €120-€180 £93.6-£140.4
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 422423
Late 1930s Garda Siochana helmet
Cloth helmet with black leather chinstrap.
7½ x 12 x 6½in. (19.05 x 30.48 x
Estimate €100-€150 £78-£117
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 423