A brown leather Sam Browne belt, holster and
Of a type used by the Irish Volunteers.
Estimate €100-€150 £78-£117
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 352353
Sam Browne belt
A brown leather Sam Browne belt with white met-
al buckle, of a type worn by Irish Volunteers.
Estimate €80-€120 £62.4-£93.6
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 353354
1920 Roman Missal, owned by George Irvine,
Irish Volunteers.
A prayer book the fly leaf inscribed in pencil,
“George Irvine - Nov. 6th 1920”. Reputedly the
missal was given to George Irvine by the Roman
Catholic Chaplain, Mountjoy Prison, due to his
despair in the aftermath of Kevin Barry’s hanging
in the prison that week. One passage in the missal,
on page 264, is underlined, “Blessed shall you be
when men shall hate you and when they shall sep-
arate you and shall reproach you, and cast out you
as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake.”
Provenance: By descent from William Halpin to
the current owner.
George Irvine, a Northern Protestant, had been
officer commanding “B” Coy. 4th Batt., Irish Vol-
unteers in the Dublin Union in 1916.
Estimate €100-€150 £78-£117
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 354355
1920. Auxiliary Division, R.I.C., Christmas Card
and a collection of other items 1916-1966.
Also includes Last Address of Thomas MacDonagh
handbill, War News 41, Sinn Fein Daily Sheet 14,
envelope to Mr L. Graydon “Political Prisoner,
Mountjoy, 21 October 1922”, and 1935 IRA raffle
Grand National Sweep.
Estimate €150-€200 £117-£156
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 355