1920, Proclamation of the Irish Republic pub-
lished in Boston
Published by the James Connolly Literary Society
Boston. Colour lithograph, the border of Celtic
interlace inscribed with the names of Nationalist
leaders, the text of the proclamation surmounted
by the Stars and Stripes and Tricolour, the lower
section with roundels with photographs of Padraig
Pearse, Eamonn de Valera and James Connolly.
17 x 13½in. (43.18 x 34.29cm)
Estimate €100-€150 £78-£117
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 332333
1917-1921 War of Independence group of four,
with two miniatures, to V.D. Kernon 2nd Battal-
ion, Dublin Brigade.
The group comprising 1917-1921 War of Inde-
pendence Service medal, privately engraved; 1939-
1946 Emergency National Service, 26th Battalion,
with two bars, privately engraved; 1939-1946
Emergency National Service, Air Raid Precau-
tions, privately engraved; and 1921-1971 Truce
Anniversary medal, privately engraved; together
with miniatures of the War of Independence and
the 26th Battalion Emergency medals, President’s
compliment slip and uniform ribbons. Interesting
and scarce group.
Estimate €1500-€2000 £1170-£1560
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 333334
1917-1921 War of Independence Service Medal
and 1921-1971 Truce Anniversary Medal
To Jackie Browne, Brosna, Co. Kerry. 1st Battalion.
Kerry No. 2 Brigade. Jackie Browne was born in
the Orange Valley, California and following the
death of his parents in was sent to an aunt in Bro-
sna. One of a handful of American citizens who
took part in the Irish War of Independence. Rare.
Father Michael G. Murphy. The Story of Brosna.
Estimate €500-€700 £390-£546
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 334335
1917 - 1921 War of Independence Service medal
and 1921 - 1971 Truce Anniversary Medal.
To William Orr Cooley, Moville, Co. Donegal. In
presentation boxes.
Provenance: By descent to the current owner.
Estimate €600-€800 £468-£624
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 335