1920 Republic of Ireland bond certificates,
Ten Dollars, Twenty Dollars, Fifty Dollars and
One-Hundred-Dollars denominations.
A rare complete set, unissued.
With the printed signatures of Seán na Nunain
and Éamon de Bhaileara. Issued to raise funds for
Dáil Éireann. Éamon de Valera, the president of
the first Dáil, issued this bond in 1920 during the
War of Independence. During his American tour,
de Valera raised over five million dollars through
the sale of republican bonds. In the aftermath of
the Irish Civil War, a dispute arose regarding the
money raised by the earlier sale of the republican
bonds in America. De Valera claimed the funds
on behalf of his party. The Free State government,
under President William T. Cosgrave, claimed the
funds on its behalf. While the Irish High Court
remitted half the funds to the Irish government,
the other half remained on deposit in New York.
In 1927, the New York Supreme Court ruled for
neither Cosgrave nor de Valera and ordered that
the balance of the funds be returned to the original
Estimate €300-€500 £234-£390
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 356357
1920 Republic of Ireland One-Hundred Dollars
Bond Certificate
Estimate €150-€200 £117-£156
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 357358
1920 Republic of Ireland Ten Dollars Bond Cer-
Issued to Michael J. Barlow.
Estimate €80-€120 £62.4-£93.6
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 358359
1918 - 1922 A family archive of War of Inde-
pendence and Civil War Oglaigh na hEireann
Letters, 1918 (October 12) and 1919 (January 9)
from Austin Stack, Belfast Gaol, seeking monies
due from various parties listed on the reverse; a
letter from HQ No. 1. Brigade, 3rd Northern Div.
to Officer Commanding 3rd Battalion, instructing
that the bearers be given rifles and “303 stuff ”; a
handwritten list of the names and addresses of the
members of 1st Batt. No. 1 Brigade, 3rd Northern
Division. Together with an archive of 15 mimeo-
graphed Oglaigh na hEireann communiques and
16 copies of an tOglach, 1919-1921. (41)
Estimate €500-€700 £390-£546
Large Image & Place Bid Lot 359